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Moriah Forbes here, and this is my life being filled with rage. I am a writer by passion and by trade, and I am bursting at the seams with opinions and ideas. After graduating college, I was looking for an outlet to express myself. By day I am a copywriter in the fashion industry, and by night I like to try all sorts of hobbies. I'm naturally very creative as well as not particularly handy, so often I'll have an idea without the skills or the means to execute it. I have very unsteady hands, I know nothing about tools, I'm a terrible artist, and I am capable of burning anything that I try to make in the kitchen. That doesn't stop me, though.


I may not be good at a lot of things, but I know that I'm a good writer. So, as I amateurishly blunder through new pursuits, I'm going to write about them. I don't want to let my fear of not being the best stop me from pursuing new hobbies. I'm making over my little studio without endless funds or any skill in interior design. You can read about this experience in the section "How to Makeover Your Apartment with No Money and No Skills." I think it's turning out pretty cute. I love fashion and I'm attempting to get over my body image issues to dress how I've always dreamed. You can see my outfits in the "Style Files," as well as a frank discussion of the industry and how I try to dress like an influencer without an influencer body or influencer funds. I'm also a huge lover of bullet journaling. Compared to journalers on Instagram with gorgeous script and gallery-worthy drawings, I feel awkward about my crab-scratch handwriting and childish illustrations, but I've loved the experience of journaling. In my "Bullet Journal" section, you can see how I've turned my passable skills into a journal that I love.


Keep your eyes out out for my sweet tuxedo cat, Pepper. She'll love the attention! She's very polite and all she wants is your undivided attention. You can see her disdain for my projects throughout the site, because she hates any hobby that is not giving her pats. She sits on my canvases, chases sewing needles, stands on top of my computer, nudges her way into outfit selfies, and sleeps on my bullet journal. It's very annoying; I love her so much. Her involvement is constant and completely unhelpful. I keep a gallery of her involvement, you'll find it in the "Miss Pepper" tab.


You'll find that and more here at angryblondgirl. Give me a follow on social media at the buttons at the bottom or shoot me a message via the "Contact" form. I'd love to hear from you!


A note on this blog:

I started writing on angryblondgirl because I missed writing for the pure love of it. I have spent my life writing essays and articles. I have many flights of fancy. I have many thoughts that are bursting to get out of my brain. This blog gives me a place to put it all.


You’ll find plenty of short pieces about style and décor, the kind of bite-sized posts that are easy to take in and enjoy. Not all of my thoughts are that succinct. I was an English major. I like to muse about an issue, an idea, a work and examine it as thoroughly as I am able. At times I will belabor the point. I love flowery language and I am bound to lapse into purple prose. You may start to think that it sounds like an essay. That’s because it essentially is an essay! I love structure, and it is hard to depart from that ingrained technique. When I have a stance, I like to back it up. I insert facts, figures, quotes, links, you name it. I have things to say, and I try to be educated in my assertions.


These are not necessarily the pieces that everyone wants to read. They aren’t always easily digestible. You may have to ruminate upon it. I write these knowing that they may not be

the kind of pieces that someone will want to read on their lunch break. I am even aware that many will give up partway through! I get it. If you aren’t wanting to think about school, you probably don’t want to read an essay. That is perfectly fair. Go ahead and click past those if that’s how you feel. Those are the posts that I write not for clicks, but for myself. I miss being able to say what I have to say. I miss having an idea and researching its implications. My career did not take me into research or a professorial position. I don’t know if I could have sustained it. But with this blog, I am able to satisfy that desire as it comes over me. I think I am a fun and witty writer! I once entitled an essay about a Henry James’ novella as “Daisy Miller: Hoe or No?” in order to evaluate the evolution of the slut shaming faced by the titular character! But I get that these kind of things are not everyone’s cup of tea. It’s not for you. It is for me.


My blog is split up by section. These long form pieces will be cordoned off into the “Essays” tab. These essays cover a lot of topics, so they may fall into multiple categories. Who am I to deny every desire that crosses my pea brain? No one is grading me on this anymore, so I am finally letting myself indulge these whims. I won’t be hurt if you don’t feel the same.

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